Update: JR’s food allergy improvement

In my article,Probiotics Helped Cure My Son’s Food Allergies, I posted a pic from October 19th of JR’s lips. His lips were still black and discolored from reacting to the food allergens. Well, it’s been a month since that photo and look at his lips now.

Food Allergy Reaction
JR’s lips on Oct. 19, 2015

Results of probiotics
JR’s lips one month later

Just in case your wondering, the photos have not been altered at all. After taking the Primadophilus probiotics for a month, JR has been successfully eating peanut butter and corn chips with no reactions. In fact, for the past two days, he’s eaten a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with no problem. And to date, he has had no issues with any of the other “problem” foods sited on his Ige test. Though JR is doing well, we will continue to give him the probiotics as his body continues to heal from taking the antibiotics.

If you or your child are suffering from food allergies, I encourage you to ask your doctor about using probiotics.

Top 30 Amazing Benefits of Probiotics



yogurt strawberryIf you’ve read my first post, you already know the potential benefits of  probiotics in regards to fighting food allergies. But if you’re not suffering from food allergies  you may be wondering if probiotics can be beneficial to you. Well, just in case you didn’t know,  you’re already benefiting from probiotics. You see, Probiotics are living “good” bacteria (organisms) naturally found in your body. They contribute to your overall health in numerous ways.  Sometimes the balance of “good” and “bad” bacteria in your system is thrown out of proportion and can trigger or aggregate sickness and disease. Probiotic supplements and probiotic rich foods can help prevent and treat those ailments. I’ve been doing a bunch of research and in this post, I share my findings with you. Below are (what I consider to be) the top 30 benefits of using probiotics. Hopefully you’ll find this list useful for your entire family. 

Probiotics Have Been Known To:


  1. Fight Food Allergies: Read our story here, Medscape –Nonallergen Specific Treatments for Food Allergies, Medical Daily –Oral Immunotherapy Combination Of Peanut Protein, Probiotics May Cure Peanut Allergies
  2. Help Balance “Good” and “Bad” Bacteria In the Body: Digestive Disorders Health Center WebMD
  3. Restore “Good” Bacteria That Has Been Lost: Several studies have shown that probiotics restore good bacteria in the gut. The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), LiveStrong
  4. Fight Halitosis: According to the December 2009 issue of the American Journal of Dentistrydaily intake of probiotic supplements may control common oral and dental infections including Halitosis.
    Prevent Oral Thrush
: In 2001 the“Journal of the American Dietetic Association” published a study noting that probiotics can help prevent thrush. LiveStrong “Do Probiotics Help Treat Oral Thrush
  5. Help Alleviate Lactose Intolerance: Culturelle and Digestive Advantage by Schiff are probiotics that have been known to help alleviate Lactose intolerance. Read the hundreds of positive reviews.Milk
  6. Help Prevent Upper Respiratory Tract Infections: Read this article, “Probiotics (live micro‐organisms) to prevent upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) (for example, the common cold),” NCBI
  7. Help Joint Pain/Arthritis
: Several studies have shown that probiotics have helped to significantly reduce inflammation in people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Foundation
  8. Lower Blood Pressure
: In nine recent studies, People who consumed probiotics had an overall reduced systolic blood pressure of about 3.6 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) and reduction in diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number) of about 2.4 mm Hg, compared to those who did not consume the probiotics. WebMd
  9. Help Lower Cholesterol
: A form of Lactobacillus reuteri  has been shown to lower cholesterol in a few studies. Huffington Post , NCBI
  10. Help Treat Type 1 And 2 Diabetes:  In 2011 the University of Florida reported that probiotics can reduce the rate of Type 1 diabetes. Reports have also said that Type 2 diabetes may eventually be treated using probiotics. University of Florida Report, Livestrong Probiotics for Diabetics
  11. Relieve Infectious Diarrhea (Caused By Viruses, Bacteria, Or Parasites): Studies show that probiotics coupled with rehydration therapy,  benefit shortening the duration of acute infectious diarrhea. NCBI
  12. Fight Allergic Rhinitis: According to a NCBI publication, “Probiotics may have an important role in the prevention and treatment of allergic rhinitis. The clinical benefit of probiotic therapy depends on numerous factors, such as type of bacterium, route of administration, dosing, regimen, and other underlying host factors.”
  13. Stop Antibiotic-Related Diarrhea: In a study by RAND Corporation, they found that people using probiotics while on antibiotics were  42% less likely to develop diarrhea than their counterparts. WebMD
  14. Ease Symptoms Of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): Studies show that probiotics, Bifidobacterium infantis, alleviate IBS symptoms. WebMDNCBI
Protect Against Stomach Ulcers
: Multiple studies reveal that probiotics are beneficial to treating and preventing stomach ulcers. According to a review  in the April 2006 “Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics,”  probiotics can prevent and help recovery from a peptic ulcer. In 2001 a research study conducted by  Taiwan’s’ National Cheng Kung University found that  Lactobacillus helped acceleratee healing time in a group of 100 H. pylori-infected study volunteers. Probiotics are known to attack H. pylori infections in several ways.  WebMD University of Maryland Medical Center
  16. Fight Against Food Poisoning
: Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus, can help restore good bacteria in the gut if  traveling to a location with contaminated food and water.Taking probiotics  before and during a trip can help maintain intestinal health. Penn State Hershey Medical CenterMeat
  17. Help Colitis
: Read Probiotics in the Management of Ulcerative Colitis, NCBI
  18. Help People With Crohn’s Disease
: According to this The University of Maryland Medical Center publication,Probiotics, especially Saccharomyces boulardi. One small study indicated that this type of “friendly” bacteria helped people with Crohn disease reduce the incidence of diarrhea. However, other studies have shown mixed results. People with allergies to yeast should avoid Saccharomyces boulardi.” 
  19. Stop The Recurrence Of  Pouchitis
: A highly concentrated cocktail of probiotics has been shown to be effective in the prevention of pouchitis onset and relapsesRead “The role of antibiotics and probiotics in pouchitis,” NCBI 
  20. Ease Constipation
: According to several studies including this reference by Harvard Health Blog, probiotics can help ease constipation.
  21. Help Alleviate Eczema
: “Some studies suggest that babies whose mothers took probiotics (“friendly bacteria”) during pregnancy and while breastfeeding were less likely to have eczema at up to 2 years of age. One study found that children who were given probiotics for the first 2 years of life were less likely to develop eczema than those who didn’t take probiotics.” -University of Maryland Medical Center
  22. Help Alleviate Rosacea
: Check out “Could probiotics be the next big thing in acne and rosacea treatments?”American Academy of Dermatology 
  23. Reduce Skin Damage From Sun: Cosmopolitan’s article “14 Hacks for Treating Sunburn”, lists several preventative measures and remedies for sunburn which contain probiotics
.Sun burn
  24. Reduce Skin Wrinkles 
and Fine Lines: Foods such as yogurt and kefir have been known to fight wrinkles and fine lines. Huffington Post 
  25. Fight Bacterial Vaginitis
: Several studies show that probiotics are beneficial in the prevention and treatment of BV. NBCI
  26. Fight Yeast Infections
: Probiotics are included in Prevention.com’s “9 Highly Effective Solutions for Yeast Infections.”
  27. Fight Urinary Tract Infections:
 The University of Maryland Medical Center’s “Complementary and Alternative Medicine Guide” recommends the use of probiotics for nutritional deficiencies to fight urinary tract infections.
  28. Reduce Necrotizing Enterocolitis In Low Birth Weight Infants.
  Probiotics has prevented severe NEC and all cause mortality in preterm infants. Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of  Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
  29. Treat Klebsellia Infection: Probiotics have been used in the initial phase of acute infection caused by Klebsiella. NCBI

  30. Boost overall Immune Health
: Read “More Proof That Probiotics Boost Immunity” by Prevention.com

Remember, if you’re interested in using probiotics, do your research and consult your physician to see what probiotic supplement (if any) is right for you.

Have you benefited from using probiotics? Share your experience in the comment section.

If your comment is negative/rude or off topic, it most likely won’t be approved.

Probiotics Helped Cure My Son’s Food Allergies

Probiotic Foods

First Blog Post…

By the end of this post, you’ll find out how Lactobacillus helped alleviate my son’s food allergies. I’m usually a straight to the point type person. But, it’s important that I start from the beginning of our story. So, just stick with me and before you know it, you’ll find out about the potential benefits of using probiotics to reverse food allergies.  

On August 24, 2015 my 2 yr. old son, JR, began taking a prescription for 10 days of Amoxicillin for a sinus infection. Around the 5th day of taking the antibiotics, I noticed the infection wasn’t getting better. In fact, it looked worse. His nose was extremely runny and he also occasionally vomited after crying or being in a stuffy area. It was due to the mucus build up.

Previously, JR’s doctor said that his sinus infection was because of  his seasonal allergies. The ragweed count was high. So, when I saw JR’s symptoms get worse, I figured it was just taking a while for the Amoxicillin to kick in.

During the last week of taking the med, the runny nose had subsided. The Arm and Hammer Simply Saline Baby Nasal Mist (here) really helped! But he was occasionally scratching his head. Again I thought he was reacting to the pollen. So, I washed his hair a few times that week and didn’t think anything of it.

But, while eating Apple Cinnamon Cheerios on the morning after his final dose of Amoxicillin (September 3rd), JR was vigorously scratching the back of his head. He was also tugging his ears. At first I thought it was an ear infection. However, after he didn’t scratch for the rest of the day, I assumed he was ok. The next morning, JR ate cereal again and again he was itching and tugging at his ears. That’s when I figured it was the Apple Cinnamon Cheerios. JR never had a food allergy before but the Cheerios were recently introduced to him. So, the next morning I tried the honey nut Cheerios which he had been eating for a while. JR didn’t scratch but that’s probably because he only ate a few bites before telling me he was done.

Over the next week, I noticed JR was occasionally scratching after drinking cold milk. I didn’t want to believe it but, I finally told my husband and mother that I thought he may have an allergy to raw milk. So, we stopped giving it to him.

Avoiding Food Allergies…


Chick Fil a FriesOver the next 2 weeks, JR became a very picky eater. He would rarely ask for his favorite foods (PB&J, cranberries, corn, cereal…) and when he did he’d only eat a few bites. He was eating bananas like crazy, he always wanted french fries from Chick-fil-a, plain club crackers and raisins. At first I thought his eating habits were just a phase, especially since he was still highly energetic and a happy kid.

But, each day JR became more picky. It finally got to the point where he was asking for pancakes all of the time (still can’t figure that out). JR steadily asked for pizza and cheddar cheese which he loved but would only taste them. He wouldn’t touch most vegetables except for potatoes. -And he didn’t want most fruits aside from bananas and grapes. JR was also scratching much more throughout the day. So, by the end of the 2 weeks, I questioned my speculation of a dairy allergy and lactose intolerance. I figured his hay fever was just really bad. He hadn’t shown any other symptoms of food allergies (no itchy or swollen tongue, no hives or rashes, etc.) and occasionally taking benadryl helped.

On Thursday, Sept. 24th, I decided to give JR a mix of cranberry juice with a little pure leaf tea (A mix he normally loved). He really enjoyed it. In fact, he drank all of his and stole his sister’s. I was happy that I was finally able to get more fruit in his system. But five minutes after drinking the juice, he began to vomit. My husband and I just assumed he had a little too much to drink.

The next morning, thinking I was wrong about the raw milk allergy,  I tried giving JR cereal with milk for the first time in a while. We had run out of pancake mix and bananas. It was time to go grocery shopping. He ate all of the cereal and drank the milk. After five minutes, he began scratching all over his head and tugging his ears excessively. He kept saying, “mommy, mommy, my head, my ears. they scratch.” I immediately washed his hair and brushed his teeth. He stopped scratching for a while but scratched throughout the day. I made the decision to make a Dr. appointment for Monday.

That night, while on our way to a church service, I asked my mother to give the kids some of the wheat crackers and Kraft cheese I had packed for their snack (during this ordeal, cheese had never seemed to bother JR, only raw milk). After eating a few of the crackers and cheese, he complained about his tongue hurting and ears itching. I became really concerned because his tongue had never bothered him before, even after drinking milk.

The Intense Food Allergy Symptoms Begin…


Dairy Allergy

After church, JR asked for more cheese and crackers. But we decided to only give him the crackers due to the possible dairy allergy. We gave JR the crackers and sure enough, he began scratching his head and wiping  his tongue. We were confused. Was it a wheat allergy, dairy allergy, both, or something else completely?

Still feeling like milk was the big issue, my husband and I decided to see if it truly was. So, the next morning (Saturday) we woke up and I put about  two teaspoons of milk in a cup. I gave JR the milk before giving him anything else to eat. He took a few sips and within minutes began screaming, “My tongue, my tongue” while vigorously scratching his head. His tongue was red and swollen. Thank God his doctor is literally 5 minutes from our home. So, we jumped in the car and took him to the office. I told the Dr. everything that had been going on. She gave him an evaluation and said she believed he had developed a dairy allergy. She gave us a prescription for an Epipen Jr. and told us to avoid giving him anything with dairy. We then made an immediate appointment with the allergist.

Not One, Not Two, But Multiple Food Allergies…

We soon found out that dairy was only part of the problem. Between the rest of that day and Sunday, JR had a reaction to just about everything he ate. Peanut butter was the worse. He was literally scraping his tongue after tasting PB&J, and screamed as soon as a cranberry touched his mouth. After only two days, his lips were bluish black and his gums were  dark. His tongue was puffy and red.

That Monday, I took JR to see the allergist and she was quite baffled with the situation. She told me that it was highly unlikely that JR was allergic to so many foods. She gave JR a prescription for 10 days of Zyrtec and a referral for an Ige blood test. The Allergist also asked if JR had taken any meds. But throughout this whole ordeal, I never connected the antibiotics to the allergies. So, I said no.

Antibiotics Can Cause Food Allergies…

While in bed that night, I thought about everything the allergist had asked. Suddenly I heard a little voice say “Amoxicillin” #ThankYouJesus

I jumped out of bed and on to the computer. That’s when I found loads of comments in forums about children who had developed sudden food allergies after taking antibiotics. Several articles mentioned that children 2 yrs old and younger who take antibiotics are more likely to develop food allergies. JR is 2 and he’s been prescribed amoxicillin twice. The time before was at 9 months old. My heart was sinking. I found the culprit, but there weren’t any answers.

I got off of the computer and began to pray that God give my husband and I what to do. The next morning, I called the allergist and told her that JR had taken amoxicillin right before all of this had started. She said that he may have an allergy to amoxicillin but we couldn’t check to see until a few weeks had passed.

Zyrtec Was Not Our Friend…

Zyrtec for childrenAfter 4 days of giving the Zyrtec, I felt uneasy. JR wasn’t having anymore scratching episodes, but his lips, gums and skin where darker than ever and his face was swollen.  I decided to research the antihistamine and found loads of complaints including the horrific withdrawal symptoms of using it after as little as 2 weeks. I also realized that the Zyrtec was only masking his allergies. So, we decided to take JR off the med.

A few days went by and I called the allergist to see if she had JR’s lab results. She was immediately apologetic for not initially believing that  JR was allergic to so many foods. The results had come in and confirmed allergies to gluten, dairy, peanuts, corn, eggs, sesame seed and soybean. Dairy was the worst with an Ige reading of 7. To make matters worse, although JR didn’t get tested for fruit and vegetable allergies, he was reacting to most of them.

That night while in prayer and meditation, I began thinking about how the amoxicillin could have possibly caused the allergies. I remembered that antibiotics are known to kill off both good and bad bacteria. But how could that cause allergies? I got up and onto the computer. I found a few articles about the link between antibiotics and food allergies. Read one here. I got off of the computer, went to bed and started thinking. Suddenly, my mind went back to a few years back when I had taken probiotic supplements to restore good bacteria and fight chronic yeast infections. I sat up in the bed, wondering  if there were probiotic supplements for children with multiple food allergies. I got up and back onto the computer. Online, there were suggestions on how to restore the good bacteria but unfortunately, all of them included giving JR foods he couldn’t tolerate.

I searched throughout the night and finally found a few comments in forums. Parents were saying they used probiotics to help their sick children. Some said they had tried the powdered version of a probiotic called Culturelle. It was said to have reduced and even cured some food allergies.

CulturelleThe next morning I went to my local CVS and found Culturelle for kids which is dairy free and soy free. I began giving JR the probiotic by mixing it with a little tea every morning. (I first tried water and he wouldn’t drink it). After about 2 weeks (October 20th), JR took another Ige test. The results showed that his dairy allergy had been cut in half. I knew it was true because JR’s food allergy symptoms were much less severe. He was scratching less, his tongue was no longer red and his lips became much lighter. In fact, On october 20th, JR had no reaction to any of the foods he ate. Take a look at what he had for breakfast and dinner:

Breakfast: A bowl of Rice Krispies with milk.

Dinner: Homemade Chimichangas -chicken, cream cheese, cheddar cheese, onions, fajita seasoning mix all wrapped in a tortilla and it wasn’t gluten free!!!!

(Purchasing the Culturelle powder from CVS cost me $30. But I was able to find it for about $16 on Amazon here: Culturelle Probiotics for Kids, 30 Count . The Lactobacillus Chewables, 30 ct are much cheaper and can be found here. There are also adult versions of this probiotic supplement.)

JR’s Lips (October 28th) after using probiotics for a few weeks and starting the healing process. Trust me, his lips look great here compared to the initial damage they suffered from the food allergies. Parents who have experienced this know that the damage can be much worse.

Today, the allergist agrees that JR is free from his dairy allergy. He eats pizza, drinks milk, eats bread except whole grain wheat bread, and most fruits and vegetables with no reactions. He still has a sensitivity to peanuts, corn and processed cranberries although not nearly as bad. I know because he’s stolen his sisters peanut butter crackers a few times and he can eat items containing corn. But no tortilla chips!

Peanut AllergyI figured that JR may still have the peanut and corn allergy because the Culturelle only contains one strain of bacteria called Lactobacillus GG. Since he no longer has the dairy, soy, nor a host of other allergies, we have more probiotic options. In turn, we have now been giving JR probiotic foods and Primadophilus Children probiotics by Nature’s Way in addition to the Culturelle. It’s for ages 0 to 5yrs and contains 7 different strains of good bacteria with 5 Billion active cultures.  Note that it may contain traces of milk and soy.The Primadophilus is here on Amazon. As you probably already know, that peanut allergy can be vicious. But my husband and I truly believe that JR will be free from all of the food allergies. Especially after reading GizMag’s article, “Probiotic Treatment Cures Peanut Allergy in Children,”.

So, that’s our story. I could easily write more, but i’ll save the rest for later posts . I can’t guarantee that probiotics will work for you or your child. All I can tell you is… they worked and are still working for us. I have to give thanks to the Lord because he gave us the knowledge to find out what we should do for our son. If you feel that our story is too good to be true, then simply don’t try the probiotics. If you believe our story,  ask your doctor about the use of probiotics for you and/or your child.

Have probiotics worked for you? Are you thinking about using them? I’d love to hear from you!

Feel free to leave a comment or ask questions below.  If your comment is negative/rude or off topic, it most likely won’t be approved. If you ask a question, I’ll try to get back to you in a timely manner.

Thank you for taking the time to read our story!